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Maclean's: How to hunt down the world’s most dangerous arms dealers

Kathi Lynn Austin joins Sarmishta Subramanian to discuss her decades on the front lines of the illicit weapons trade, where she gathered evidence to dismantle criminal enterprises from within.

For over 30 years, Austin has embedded herself in dangerous networks, building cases against arms traffickers and war criminals. Her work was pivotal in the capture and conviction of Viktor Bout, the notorious Russian arms dealer dubbed the “Merchant of Death,” and in providing testimony against Rwandan génocidaires. She also played a key role in preventing the decimation of the world’s largest rhino population in South Africa’s Kruger National Park. On a recent episode of Maclean’s The Power of One podcast, a series that spotlights transformative individuals, Austin shared with host Sarmishta Subramanian what inspired her to pursue this path—and what drives her to continue.

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